Inaugural meeting of ISOC to be held on April 18, 2021
The inaugural meeting of International Society of Oral Care (ISOC, established on April 24, 2020 with members over 8000) will be held on Sunday, April 18, 2021 at Yasuda Auditorium of the University of Tokyo. Jointly, the 18th Annual Meeting/Academic Congress of Japanese Society of Oral Care will be held on April 17 and18 (Sat. and Sun), 2021 in co-location site.

Consensus Conference
Novel coronavirus infection and oral care (in English)
4/18 14:50-15:50
Coordinator:Prof. Toshinori Okinaga, Prof. Takaaki Ueno
Oral care in artificial dialysis (in Japanese)
4/17 16:00-17:20
Coordinator:Prof. Haruhiko Kashiwazaki, Prof. Iwao Hara
Oral care and the pregnant (in Japanese)
4/17 15:00-16:20
Coordinator:Prof. Noriko Suzuki, Prof. Hideto Saijo